Technical Papers

Relevant reference papers for ICDMS, published by Professor Behrenbruch, Bear and Brook Consulting staff and associates, and researchers at the University of Adelaide.

No. Year Paper ID Title
1 2018 SPE192109 The Importance of Optimal Choice of Relative Permeability Relationships in Reservoir Simulation.
2 2018 APPEA2018 The Importance of Optimal Geological Zonation and Choice of Rock Parameters in Dynamic Reservoir Simulation: A Case Study for the Laminaria Field.
3 2017 SPE186951 Optimal Zonation of Geological Formations and Identification of Pore Structures for Sandstone Reservoirs, Including variation in Cementation and Fining Sequences.
4 2017 SPE186949 Capillary Pressure Drainage Curves: Modelling and Prediction of Capillary Entry Pressure.
5 2017 APPEA2017 Correction of Laboratory Gas Permeability Measurements Using Klinkenberg-type Correction Models.
6 2017 JOGEP2017 Defining Reservoir Quality Relationships: How Important are Overburden and Klinkenberg Corrections?.
7 2016 SPE182469 Modelling of Drainage Capillary Pressure: A Comparative Study of Various Analytical Capillary Pressure Formulations in Matching Laboratory Results.
8 2016 SPE182457 Modelling of Drainage Capillary Pressure: Using the Modified Carman-Kozeny Purcell Model to Identify the Type of Pore Throat Distribution Inherent in Laboratory Data.
9 2016 APPEA2016 Defining Irreducible Water Saturation Using Global Characteristics Envelopes and Novel Correlations.
10 2011 IPTC15230 Wettability Quantification: Prediction of Wettability for Australian Formations.
11 2011 SPE147078 A Universal Formulation for the Prediction of Capillary Pressure.
12 2007 JOPSE2007 Alternative Modelling Approaches for the Estimation of Irreducible Water Saturation: Australian Hydrocarbon Basins.
13 2006 SPE101150 Two-phase Relative Permeability Prediction: A Comparison of the Brooks-Corey Methodology with a new Carman-Kozeny Based Flow Formulation.
14 2005 SPE93307 The Development of an Optimal Artificial Neural Network Model for Estimating Irreducible Water Saturation: Australian Reservoirs.
15 2005 SPWLA2005 An Improved Approach for Modelling Geological Depositional Characteristics and Fluid Saturations by Using Hydraulic Units: Australian Offshore Fields.
16 2005 JOPSE2005 Characterisation of Clastic Depositional Environments and Rock Pore Structures Using the Kozeny-Carman Equation: Australian Onshore and Offshore Sedimentary Basins.
17 2004 SPE88538 Using a Modified Brooks-Corey Model to Study Oil-Water Relative Permeability for Diverse Pore Structures.
18 2004 SPE88521 The Mapping of Hydraulic Flow Zone Units and Characterisation of Australian Geological Depositional Environments.

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